About Us

Welcome to https://www.imtuition.net , a website operated by GSMplusServices Limited.We are limited company registered in England and Wales.

Our company registration number is 7694318, Our registered VAT number is 121867124 and our registered address is the following:

20-22 Wenlock Road,  
N1 7GU

You can contact GSMplusServices Limited, if needed, by raising a support ticket at our helpdesk.
Picture of Tony Dargis

Not really an "Us" judging by the lack of staff photographs, but more of a "Me". Yes, you guessed it - the others are to shy to show their faces - but we're not work shy.

Our backgrounds? Well - one is an author, one was a technical author then we have copywriters, video creators and one plucked from senior management.

I'm Tony by the way - (the only one who would volunteer my photograph) - and the technical curator of this site. I'm basically in charge of the content - making sure it's relevant, update it within reason - which is difficult - as everything is changing at break neck speed - and ensure accessibility (24x7) to all our members.

If you need me - just drop me an email at [email protected].

Thanks for looking.