by admin

February 7, 2021

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Your Subconscious Mind

When you wake up in the morning, are you the kind of person that leaps out of bed, teeming with energy, enthused for the day ahead?

Or are you the one that angrily slaps their alarm clock’s snooze button and grabs that extra ten minutes of sleep, before grudgingly dragging yourself from your cosy warm bed to fight against the days?

Personally, as I wake, I try to keep between full slumber and awakening long enough for me to plan my day ahead. You may see this as a false state - perhaps if you are from the glass is half full, or maybe the glass is half empty brigade. But for me, I find it is the ideal time to "program" my subconscious mind.

Programming Your Subconscious Mind

What do you mean by programming your subconscious mind? Well, your subconscious mind has immense power in controlling what actions you take each day, which could directly relate to the level of income you earn.

I believe you do have the power to take personal control of your day, but you must be aware of how your subconscious mind can affect it. The good news is that this means that with a little awareness, we can easily harness our inner potential and live better lives.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The “subconscious” is the part of your mind that operates below your normal level of waking consciousness. Right now you’re primarily using your conscious mind to read these words and absorb their meaning, but beneath that mental focus, your subconscious mind is busily working behind the scenes, absorbing or rejecting information based on an existing perception you have of the world around you.

Harnessing Your Subconscious Mind

So how do I harness this power and how does it manifest itself during the day? As I am waking from my sleep, I can find myself in a strange state, which is not fully asleep, or fully awake. Perhaps you've noticed this with yourselves, or if not, the next time you wake slowly, see if you can feel this state.

It is important because it is at this time that we can make an impression on our subconscious minds. The impressions you try to make are there as a reminder through the day of tasks that you have literally agreed with yourself to complete.

Subconscious Impressions

Whether the tasks are writing a specific blog article, cleaning the car, washing a window, reading a specific chapter in a book, you get the idea. Once impressed upon your subconscious mind the tasks feel like promises that you have made to yourself. And, if like me, you'll spend the rest of the day trying to keep your promises.

It's strange, but as the day progresses and you mind and body wander, then even if you sit down for 5 minutes and catch a little news on the TV for instance, you experience a nagging sensation, which in effect is your subconscious mind reminding yourself of your earlier promises.

At the end of the day, the promised tasks are done, the nagging abates and you feel that you have achieved.

Pleased with yourself, you retire to bed knowing that before you awaken, you’ll be making more promises. Why not give it a try: you really have nothing to lose.

About the author 


I've spent the last many years creating and supporting complex technical infrastructure solutions, but nowadays you can find me collecting suitable materials to share on our informative website, When I'm not at work, I might be found listening to or preferably attending a live music performance!

Just recently I started going to the gym and swimming. After so many year sitting in front of a computer screen I have found that my hips are very inflexible, my lung capacity has diminished - and I really want to maintain mobility as I steadily approach my dotage. - after all - I'm no spring chicken :-)

It feels great to escape the office while getting some fresh air and exercise! Sometimes when it's not raining, I go golfing instead of reading or creating internet marketing content. ;)

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